Well, here I sit, not really knowing what direction I'm going with this blog. I've actually been putting it off for a while hoping that something exciting would happen; but alas, nothing has. For now I'll just record daily happenings in our family's lives.
I'm a stay at home mom, happily married to my dear hubby Mike for over 18 years. We have 4 kids (so far!) that we homeschool. We love the Lord and seek to follow Him every day. We attend a wonderful little Baptist church where we enjoy the fellowship of Christian brothers and sisters.
Today we're preparing for a joint-garage sale with my mom. With fall coming, it's time to declutter the house! It amazes me how much stuff one can collect and hold on to thinking "I may need this someday". That someday seldom comes, so now it's time to say "Good-bye stuff, hello clean house!" At least partially decluttered house :)
Sorry for this wonderfully boring post. Hopefully I'll get better as I go!