One more year and she'll be an adult.
I am so not ready for that!
Since she decided to graduate a year early, she's been doubling up on schoolwork. Now she's planning to go to Uganda next month with the team from "Simplicity", so she's doing even more schoolwork to be able to take that time off. Along with church activities, senior activities, piano competitions, helping around the house, tutoring "little" brother in Algebra (since Mom is ...umm, mathematically challenged), she is one busy gal!
She decided to bless us on her birthday by making dinner for everyone.
Homemade chicken enchiladas-YUM!

I think she kind of liked her present-a new lens for her camera.

Of course she spent the rest of the evening trying it out :)

I just don't know where these years have gone. But I love watching her mature and becoming the young lady God created her to be.

Happy Birthday Bethany!
We love you!