Anyway, now that I've vented my frustration, I can get on with my post.
We had a good Christmas in spite of the blizzard. We got stranded at my mom's house, along with my sister and her husband that live in Arkansas. My other sister and her kids live across the street from my mom, so we all got an extra day together. Lots of time for fun, food, and fellowship.

We woke up Christmas morning to about 6" with some 3' drifts

My nephew Zachary and son Michael (who insists on wearing shorts even while playing in the snow-what's the deal?)

My Mom lives on a great sledding hill - I slid down it a lot growing up, and now my kiddos get the same fun!

Christmas morning I had to wake every one else up! Every Christmas since my kids were little I've been the one pacing the house waiting for them to get up! I guess I just get too excited!

Merry Christmas Aunt Lou!

Bethany, Sarah, and my niece Kendra got matching bags handmade by Granny


Christmas night we all played games. Imaginiff is a great crowd pleaser - hilarious!
We all had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you Jesus for your birthday!

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