Thursday 2/17 - Go to bank to cash a check. Informed that drivers license is expired.
Like, since December expired. OOPS
Friday 2/18 - Go to tag agency for new license. Informed that since license is more than
30 days past expiration, must have certified copy of birth certificate in order to get new license. NICE
Go home and spend much time looking for certified copy of birth certificate.
( I know I had one to get my marriage license. Oh wait, that was almost 20 years ago.)
Saturday 2/19- Call Mother to ask if perchance she might have certified copy of birth certificate.
Yes! In the safety deposit box.
Favorite mother goes to bank to get birth certificate.
Dear husband drives into town to pick up birth certificate.
Monday 2/21- Have every intention of going to tag agency and getting drivers license.
Uh, hello! It's a national holiday - all tag agencies are closed. ARGH
Call and cancel girls' piano lessons for the day.
Remember that all kids have plans for the evening. Call husband.
Dear husband takes off early from work. Drives 45 minutes to pick up family. Drives 30 minutes to take youngest daughter and Mom (that would be me ) to basketball game. Drives 30 minutes in the opposite direction to take older kids bowling. Sits in the car for 2 hours while older kids bowl. Drives 30 minutes to pick up youngest daughter and Mom from basketball game. Drives 30 minutes to get home and collapses into bed so he can get up early and go to work. THANKS HONEY!!!
Tuesday 2/22 - Stay home!
Wednesday 2/23 -Drive 30 minutes to tag agency. Wait, did I put birth certificate in my purse?
Walk into agency hoping that they won't ask how I got there. Since drivers license expired 8 weeks ago! They don't. (Thanks Lord!)
A few minutes later and a little bit poorer, walk out with precious license in hand.
Drive home with deep sense of relief that I'm once again legal.
Moral of the story? CHECK YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I mentioned in my last post that someone moved my house to Wisconsin.
I was wrong.
I woke up this morning in Alaska!
As I type, the temp outside is -19!
At least by Wednesday it's supposed to be back up to 68.
I am so ready! Maybe I can leave my house by then.
On another note, we've sent off an application to put our daughter on a plane and send her half way around the world with people we have never met. Did I just say that?
Yep, Bethany is going to Uganda with Linny and Emma from
She is so excited! She can't wait to get her hands on some of those precious children.

Two years ago the Lord started speaking to me that one day Bethany would go overseas and work with orphans. I guess He knew it would take that long to prepare my heart to let her go. It's exciting to see His word coming true.
Lots of fundraising coming up!
Okay, I'm off to find some hot chocolate and try to thaw out!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Winter Wonderland
17 inches of snow last week. Still on the ground.
5-8 more expected this week.
Will someone please tell me who moved my house to Wisconsin?

Sarah's enjoying it.

5-8 more expected this week.
Will someone please tell me who moved my house to Wisconsin?

Sarah's enjoying it.
Mike? Um not so much!

Is it almost spring yet?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Oklahoma Blizzard
Just thought I'd share our wonderful Oklahoma weather for today.

Being the good mom that I am, I made Jacob go shovel it off.

Saturday it was 76 degrees, tomorrow down to -7.
That's Oklahoma for ya!
Tulsa just passed their all time
record snowfall-14 inches.
(I remember very well our last record snowfall in 1994 with 12.9 inches. Bethany had just been born and we got to bring her home from the hospital in that mess! Talk about being a nervous wreck!)
Owasso ended up getting 21 inches today
with 4-6 foot drifts. Everything is pretty well shut down-fire trucks and even snow plows are getting stuck. Turnpikes are closed down because of 3-4 foot drifts, and the National Guard is being called out to help all the stranded drivers. Some highways are at a standstill with miles of semi trucks stuck in the snow. What a mess!
Okay, I know this is probably wimpy for people up north, but we were pretty impressed!
This is what we woke up to.

As the day went on, it just got worse. With wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour
and wind chills around -5,
we were happy to stay inside and do school around our warm little fireplace.
(Note to self: Got to get that glass door replaced!)
(Note to self: Got to get that glass door replaced!)

Of course Sarah had to go out for at least a minute.
By the time I took her picture, she was ready to come back in :)

Even the dogs wouldn't leave their doggie cave.

And I think our trampoline is pretty well shot.

Being the good mom that I am, I made Jacob go shovel it off.
Just in case it can be saved.


I think we ended up only getting 10-12 inches with some 3 foot drifts, but that was plenty thank you!

After all that, the Lord sure did send us a beautiful sunset!

Saturday it was 76 degrees, tomorrow down to -7.
That's Oklahoma for ya!
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