Monday, October 26, 2009

Summer Memories

During the summer, our local Christian radio station hosted a series of free concerts for the community. They were held at a small outdoor amphitheater on the river. Several big artists were brought in - Philips, Craig and Dean; Francesca Battistelli; John Waller (whom I had to miss and am still upset about!); and a few others.

The only one we got good pictures of was Britt Nicole. We were on the third row and I found it very awkward to be eyeball to eyeball with her for the concert :) My girls loved it though!

She is really an amazing performer and person. She stopped singing a couple of times to go minister and pray privately with some ladies in the audience that the Lord put on her heart. Then she invited several little girls to come on stage and sing with her. Those girls will probably remember that the rest of their lives! She was there not to entertain, but to minister. Her love for the Lord was very evident. Such an awesome concert!

I can't wait to see who they bring in for next summer!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

So what do girls do when bored at a restaurant?

Get out the camera!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

War Eagle

Yesterday my girls and I went with my mom to War Eagle Mill in Arkansas. They host one of the biggest arts and crafts shows in this area of the country. Hundreds of booths of very cute stuff - from jewelry and clothes, to rustic furniture and old books. Of course I seemed to migrate to all the old antiques - the rustier the better! I was good and didn't spend much, but I did find this cute little bird house. It's made of cedar wood that should weather beautifully. I love it!

An ice storm last winter destroyed my favorite bird house that was on the post in the background. So now I can replace it and not have just a pole sticking up out of the ground!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Is in the Air

Fall - my favorite season! Cool fresh air, beautiful leaves, the smell of woodsmoke from the fireplace; and just the feeling that you're coming alive again after the long, hot, humid days of an Oklahoma summer. This is living!
(Of course, it doesn't last long enough and winter is just around the corner. But I try not to think about it!)

Some friends of ours went to Hawaii last week, and we had the privilege of keeping 4 of their children for a few days. I remarked to my husband that for having 8 kids around the house, it sure was quiet! I love their children; they're so polite and well behaved. We had the first campfire of the season; complete with hot dogs and smores - yummy!

My daughter Bethany (in pink) and her friend Hannah.

Yes, my son Jacob is having a hard time giving up summer :)

On Saturday we were blessed to have a group of men from church come out and help us cut down several dead trees around our property. I'm kicking myself for not taking picures to post, but trust me, they got a lot of work done! It's so nice to have Christian brothers and sisters who care for each other and are willing to help each other with hard physical labor. Thanks guys!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kitty Concert

A few days ago my daughter walked into the kitchen to find our kittens practicing for their upcoming concert :)

We're going to miss these little guys!